Project Control

Types of Control

  1. Feedback control (after-the-fact control).
    Feedback control methods focus on end results. This is the type of control that most people are familiar with. Feedback control occurs after the fact, meaning it occurs after something has happened.
    In project management, feedback control is the least preferable form because undesirable events have already taken place.
  1. Screening control (concurrent control).
    This type of control takes place when a process is about to occur.
  1. Feedforward control (preliminary control).
    The best form of control is one that tells you to take action before a deviation occurs.
    Feedforward control is the best type of control because it identifies undesirable events before they happen. It brings to light what problems will happen if corrective action is not taken now.

To use feedforward control, it is required that you:

  • Identify all relevant input variables (time, volume, and money).
  • Have a dynamic model representing the actual process and keep it updated.
  • Collect data and enter it into the system.
  • Perform regular assessments of projected variations from the plan.
  • Take action before a problem occurs.

Control Techniques
There are three major types to select from. Make your choices from the following:

  1. Budgets.
    Use a budget as a very effective control technique.
    Typical examples of budgets include your project personnel budget and your material budget.
  1. Charts.
    The number of charts that you can use for control is extensive. A chart is similar to a budget except it expresses information using a graphical approach.
  1. Audits.
    Use an audit to review any part of your organization’s operating procedures and methods to evaluate efficiency and effectiveness. When you complete an audit, make recommendations to management for improving operations in such areas as organizational structure, computer operations, production methods, and marketing.

What are the basic steps for using the control process?

  1. Identify characteristics.
    What is to be controlled..
  2. Set a standard.
    Set a standard that is challenging yet achievable.
  3. Collect information.
    Collect data to see how the “Control” is doing
  4. Measure performance.
    Based on the information see the actual performance..
  5. Compare performance to a standard.
    Based on the Information and “performance data” Compare the set standards vs actual performance.
  6. Take corrective action.
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